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5 Tips to Make Working from Home More Productive

More employees than ever are opting to work from home, and for a good reason: Working remotely is convenient, cost-effective, and productive. But remote working does have some drawbacks. It can be lonely and difficult to stay productive, especially if you’re new to this type of work. There are five quick and easy steps you can take to get working from home smoothly and maximize your productivity.

Set Regular Work Hours

Work-life balance is a great benefit of remote work. To avoid burning out, set a schedule and stick to it most of the time. When you need to make exceptions to your schedule, such as working extra hours in the afternoon because your coworker is in a different time zone, make sure to account for that extra time the following day by working less or taking a longer break.

Have a Morning Routine

Workday mornings can be frustrating if you haven’t settled on a routine that feels natural to you. But one secret to overcoming feeling stuck might be to find an existing habit in your morning routine—like brushing your teeth or taking out the trash—and using it as a proxy for getting started on work.

Set Rules for People You Live With

For example, children who are at home during work hours should be taught that they’re not to disturb their parent’s work. If another adult shares a workspace with you, you may want to set some ground rules.

Take Breaks

Whether you’re self-employed or work for a company, give yourself regular breaks from your computer and phone. The standard for full-time U.S. employees is an hour for lunch and two 15- minute breaks. Computer-based work can be hard on the body, so stand up to help your blood circulate. It helps to take micro-breaks of 10-20 seconds to move your eyes off-screen.

Step Outdoors

If you are allowed and feel up to it, try to get some fresh air by getting out of the house during the pandemic. Your body needs movement and blood circulation, and natural light can boost your mood. If your job needs you in an office all day, try to get outside once or twice a day, too.

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