5 Tire Maintenance Tips to Follow Before Long Road Trips

All set to take off on your next adventure? Keep these handy tire maintenance tips in mind:

Check the Pressure

Be sure to check tire inflation pressure before heading out on a long trip or carrying extra load for safety. Driving with improper tire pressure is risky; it can damage the tires and affect the car’s fuel economy, handling, and ride. Be sure to check your vehicle owner’s manual to find the required tire pressure for your vehicle. Remember that tire pressure should be checked when the tires are “cold”- when the tires have not been driven for at least 3 hours or less than one mile at moderate speed.

Check Tread Depth

Bald is hardly beautiful when it comes to tires. Generally, tires are expected to have over 2/32-inch tread depth. You can check the depth using a tread depth gauge. Or place a penny into each groove with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to replace your tires.

Another thing to look for is uneven wear, where the tread on one side is higher than the other. You should have a tire service professional check your tires if you see uneven wear, as it could be a sign that something needs to be repaired or replaced.

Closely Inspect Your Tires

Take a minute to get down on your knees and check the tires. Look for any cracks, cuts, bruises, or splits in the tread and sidewall area. If you discover bumps or bulges in your tires, it may be a sign of separation in the tire body. Visit a tire service professional before heading out on the road to avoid costly interruptions and headaches brought on by tire failure.

Rotate the Tires

Before taking a long road trip, have the tires on your car rotated. Regularly rotating your tires (as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer) helps your tires perform better.

Travel Light

Most vehicles have a maximum weight recommendation printed in the owner’s manual. You can also find the maximum load rating for your tires on the sidewalls of your tires. Since excessive loads are hard on the tires and can impact vehicle handling and ride, it is essential to abide by these limits. Pack only what you need for your road trip. The heavier your vehicle, the less fuel-efficient it will be too.